I run a Mac OSX 10.4.11 and lately the video's have been streaming in a very inconsistent way.
For example, I only see stills of certain parts of a video, or it will freeze up for a half second, every other second.
I am hoping this is just a problem with my video card. I don't live near a mac store, I MUST do this myself. Can anyone tell me what to do?|||You don't "clear" video cards as they don't store anything on them (like how hard drives do). Eventually they do break down (just like a hard drives crashes), so if anything you would have to go the the Apple store and get a new one.|||As was already said, you don't/can't "clear" the video card or anything of that sort. It's most likely a problem somewhere else (probably software). We need a few more details before we can really help though.
How are you watching these videos? Are they on a DVD, on the Internet (like YouTube) or did you download them somehow?
Do you know what the name of the program or application you are using to watch them is?|||it might not be the video card. it maybe you have low ram try stoping some programs or upgrade your ram. oh and a piece of advice upgade to mac os x 10.6(snow leopard)n its pretty awsome it olny cost like 40-50 dollors to upgage your O.S.|||Macs...They Just Work.
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