Friday, April 6, 2012

Can the Mac Pro use ANY video card in Boot Camp (booting to XP or Vista)?

I am interested in a Mac Pro to have for video editing, photography, musical composition, office work....and last but not least, gaming. I know that the X1900XT card is the only serious gaming card that Apple provides for the machine. But I don't care about gaming in OSX. I want to game in Windows -- booting into it through Boot Camp.

So, can I add a video card that will work in XP *only*? That would be great if it could. I've heard that the new 8800GTX card pulls too much power for the Mac's PCIe slot to handle, so that's a bummer. I've also heard that the PCIe in the Mac Pro is limited to only x8 speed, where everything in the PC world is at x16. So that's also a bummer. But those things might not matter if I can be assured that any OTHER card will work under XP, albeit limited to x8 bandwidth.

Anyone try this?|||You can use any hardware in Windows XP, as long as it fits the Mac Pro's Hardware specifications. When choosing a hardware device to use in windows on a mac, look at your computer's hardware information as if it were a PC. Any video card that you add will work in XP, however it might also show up in OS X.

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